Neil McCauley, played by Robert De Niro, is a professional thief and lives by a personal code. Neil and his crew hire Waingro to help them rob $1.6 million, but during the heist, Waingro kills a guard, and they all become guilty of a felony of murder. Heat, a 1995 movie, is directed by Michael Mann, streaming on Amazon Prime Video. It is a crime, drama, and thriller film, starring Al Pacino, Robert De Niro, and Val Kilmer. The character, ‘Waingro’ was inspired by Kevin Gage, who was imprisoned for two years in 2003 and eventually referred to as ‘Waingro’ by his fellow inmates and prison guards. Also, Michael Mann selected Amy Brenneman for the role of Eddy, who at first did not want to be in the movie because she disliked it, saying that the script was having no morality and was filled with blood. However, Michael wanted her more after this, as he wanted to cast someone with the same mindset.
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