Based on the original novel by Satyajit Ray, Hatyapuri is a mystery drama which follows renowned detective Feluda on vacation in the coastal town of Puri. When embroiled in a case of a missing historical manuscript and a subsequent murder, Feluda must track down the cunning criminal marring the city with blood. Adapted and directed by Sandip Ray, son of Satyajit Ray, the film stars Indraneil Sengupta, of Mishawr Rawhoshyo (2013) fame, along with Paran Banerjee (Double Feluda, 2016), Debnath Chatterjee (Momo - The game of death, 2023), Sandip Chakraborty (Aparajito, 2022) and Shaheb Chattopadhyay (Gogoler Kirti, 2014) in prominent roles.
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