Directed by Raghuvir Joshi, Happy Familyy Pvt Ltd is a comedy drama film released in the year 2013. The film stars Rajeev Mehta, Vrajesh Hirjee, Samvdena Suwalka, Soniya Shah, Karan Ashar, Dhaval Pandya and Avnish Mehra. The storyline of this film gives an important message but first, about the plot. Mr. Uttam Mehta with his family lives in Mumbai and is very rich. But one day he gets into a situation which makes him leave Mumbai and go to an unknown location and reside there. He, with his family, now lives in a village named Antillapur. What happens next is fun to watch because they never lived in a village, nor do they know about the Barter System which has been there in this village for years. The film passes an important message that Money is not everything. And it takes more love, care and kindness to live in a village where everyone lives like a family. The film is a dose of entertainment and a family watch.
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