Gully Boy, a 2019 movie, is directed by Zoya Akhtar starring Ranveer Singh and Aliya Bhatt. This movie takes inspiration from the lives of Indian street rappers Divine and Naezy. The movie starts with Murad Ahmed, who aspires to be a rapper and fulfill all his dreams. He experiences discrimination at work when he works as a chauffeur. He starts to write lyrics when he meets MC Sher at his college and performs in the underground rapping battles. The video is put up on YouTube where Murad raps. Later, Sky, approaches MC Sher and Murad to collaborate on a new song with her. Safeena Firdausi, being Murad’s girlfriend, doubts Sky for having feelings for Murad. Murad proves that dreams can become true if you dream with open eyes and became one of India's top rappers.
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