Gujjubhai: The Great, a 2015 film is directed by Ishaan Randeria starring Siddharth Randeria, Swati Shah, Dipna Patel, Jimit Trivedi and Alekh Sangal. It’s a film based on the Gujarati Stage play series Gujjubhai with comedy, drama and romance in it. The storyline revolves around the life of Siddharth Randeria as Hasmukh Gandhi and how he tries to protect his daughter Tanisha Gandhi, played by Dipna Patel from an oversmart guy, Montu played by Alekh Sangal. He tries to explain to his family that Montu is not a good guy but no one understands so he decides to marry his daughter with his manager, the most honest and innocent guy Bakul Buch played by Jimit Trivedi. The film is very fun to watch especially when Hasmukh Gandhi is unknowingly followed by a Police inspector because of misunderstandings. And how at last everything gets sorted and Tanisha falls in love with Bakul Buch.
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