Directed by Shashank Khaitan, Govinda Naam Mera is a Hindi comedy thriller film that follows the charismatic Govind Waghmare, a Bollywood backup dancer who dreams of being a choreographer. Govind has a bitter relationship with his wife Gauri, who he wants to divorce so he can be with his gorgeous girlfriend Suku. Gauri, who herself has a boyfriend named Baldev who is an insurance agent, demands ₹2 Crores from Govinda for their divorce, the money given to him as dowry during their time of marriage. The chaos and confusion that ensues through this predicament forms the crux of this quirky entertainer. The film features performances from Vicky Kaushal, Bhumi Pednekar, Kiara Advani, Sayaji Shinde, Renuka Shahane, Dayanand Shetty, Amey Wagh, and Viraj Ghelani among others. The film has been produced by Karan Johar, Hiroo Yash Johar, Apoorva Mehta and Shashank Khaitan himself under the banner of Dharma Productions, in association with Viacom18 Studios. The film's score has been composed by John Stewart Eduri, with the soundtrack comprised of songs from Meet Bros, Tanishk Bagchi, B Praak, Sachin–Jigar, and Rochak Kohli. The film also boasts a cameo appearance from Ranbir Kapoor, who appears as himself in the song "Bijli".
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