Gone Girl, a 2014 movie, is directed by David Fincher, streaming on Amazon Prime Video and Netflix. It is a psychological-thriller, drama, and mysterious film, starring Ben Affleck, Rosamund Pike, Kim Dickens, and Neil Patrick Harris. The movie starts with Nick Dunne, played by Ben Affleck, returning home, only to find out that his wife has gone missing on their 5th wedding anniversary. This thriller film travels through flashbacks and present incidents where the protagonist is being framed. The ending of the movie was quite disturbing when Nick agrees to continue his broken married life with his insane wife, Amy. However, the movie also felt more misogynistic than the novel itself, conveyed by Jezebel's Jessica Coen. Ben Affleck researched a lot about his character and looked up to men who were convicted for their wives’ murder. Ben especially paid attention to Scott Peterson, who was convicted for the murder of his wife and his unborn child. Towards the end of the movie, Amy comes clean with all her crimes in front of Nick and wishes for him to be the same man on TV. Despite Margo's objections and Amy’s past crimes, Nick accepts her when he learns about her pregnancy. Hence, the couple announces on television that they are expecting a child.
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