Gol Maal, a 1979 movie, is directed by Hrishikesh Mukherjee starring Amol Palekar and Bindiya Goswami. The film revolves around a college graduate who lies all along to save his job and his love life. The movie starts with Ramprasad Sharma, who is a qualified accountant and a good actor as well. In search of a good job, he ends up meeting Bhawani Shankar, who owns a firm known as Urmila Traders. Later, Ramprasad lies to Bhawani about his mother’s illness to take leave for attending a hockey match but ends up in a problem when Bhawani sees him on television while watching the same match. To save his job, Ramprasad makes up a story about having a twin brother without a mustache who teaches music. Bhawani instructs Ramprassad to let his brother teach music to Urmila, his daughter.
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