"Ghosted" is an action-packed romantic comedy directed by Dexter Fletcher and written by Chris McKenna, Rhett Reese, and Erik Sommers. The film follows the story of Cole, an ordinary guy who falls head over heels for the enigmatic Sadie, only to discover that she is a secret agent. Cole and Sadie's chance at a second date is cut short as they are unexpectedly thrust into an international mission to save the world. As they race against time to foil a global conspiracy, the couple must navigate dangerous enemies and exotic locales, all while trying to keep their budding romance alive. The film features a talented ensemble cast, including Ana de Armas, Chris Evans, Adrien Brody, Mike Moh, Amy Sedaris, Tim Blake Nelson, Tate Donovan, Lizzze Broadway, Marwan Kenzari, Mustafa Shakir, and Tiya Sircar. With its blend of humour, action, and romance, "Ghosted" is a thrilling ride that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats.
What is “Ghosted” about?
The film follows the story of Cole, an ordinary guy who falls head over heels for the enigmatic Sadie, only to discover that she is a secret agent. Cole and Sadie's chance at a second date is cut short as they are unexpectedly thrust into an international mission to save the world.
Who are the stars of “Ghosted”?
Ana De Armas, Chris Evans, Adrien Brody and Amy Sedaris star in the film Ghosted.
Where to watch “Ghosted” online?
Ghosted is available on Apple TV+.
Is “Ghosted” based on a true story?
Ghosted is not based on a true story.
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