Directed by Neeraj Joshi and produced by Bhavesh Patel, Pranav Shah, Atul Patel, Jignesh Patel, the Gujarati time-travel film follows in the footsteps of Bhagirath, a post-graduate from Princeton University and a teaching enthusiast. He offers to teach students for free at the last standing Gujarati medium school, Sheth Kapurchand Mangaldas Vidyalaya, where the principal attempts to preserve the declining culture through his school. However, both the principal and his daughter are apprehensive of Bhagirath's teaching methods as they are unconventional. Amidst it all, they discover a time-travelling machine and a new science adventure ensues. The film stars Malhar Thakar, Pooja Jhaveri, Ujjwal Chopra, Sunil Visharani, Kahaan Mistry, Khush Tahilramani, Sneha Chauhan, Rakesh Modi, Vaibhav Biniwale, Shradha Suthar, Nischay Rana, Jeet Solanki, and Sneha Desai.
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