n upcoming Indian Gujarati-language action film directed by Mayur Kachhadiya and produced by Mahendra Patel under their banner of Ashadeep Cine Productions. It is the Biggest Action Entertainer film ever made in the history of Gujarati cinema. The film stars Abhimanyu Singh and Chirag Jani as the male lead and Anveshi Jain as the female lead. It is the story between the war of Liquor Mafia, Abhimanyu Singh and IPS Officer ACP Samrat, Chirag Jani. This movie is written by Sanjay Prajapati. It is scheduled for release on 15th November 2019. When an IPS Officer ACP Samrat and a Special Action Team assigned a Special Mission to caught a Liquor Mafia Gajraj, Who is doing an illegal liquor business in Dry State than Starts a bigger war between ACP and Liquor Mafia. And everything is fair in love and war. Yes, in this bigger war both ACP and Liquor Mafia sacrifices their own love, Relationship, Family and all.
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