Fera Feri Hera Feri is a 2018 Gujarati comedy film, directed by Girish Mohite and written by Jitendra Parmar. The film stars Manoj Joshi, Sanjeev Jogityani, Karan Bhanushali, Bijal Joshi, Shilpa Tulaskar, Rishil Joshi, Aarti Naagpal, Soniya Shah and Kuldeep Gor. The storyline of this film revolves around the life of Hasmukhlal, played by Manoj Joshi who has been married twice and both of his wives don't know about each other. So, to ease his life he fakes the death to one family and stays with another. The film is full of comedy and drama. The dialogues, acting, direction, humor and cinematography is awesome.
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