Directed by Arjun Kumar S and produced under the banner of Late Puneeth Rajkumar’s PRK Productions, Family Pack revolves around a boy, Abhi, who has lost all his will and motivation to live, hopes completely dashed. A strange encounter with a ghost imparts a fresh perspective to Abhi; however, situations get convoluted when the ghost's destiny and Abhi's turn out to be profoundly interlinked. Family Pack, also stars tar Tilak and Nagabhushan and has dialogues written by Masti. The music is by Gurukiran, while Uday Leela has shot the film. The comedy drama stars Likith Shetty, Amruta Iyengar, and Rangayana Raghu. Family Pack is a part of Amazon Prime Video's recent multi-film deal with PRK Productions, it being a tribute to the late actor.
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