Directed and co-written by Paresh Mokashi, Elizabeth Ekadashi is a Marathi family drama film released in 2014. The film stars Sayali Bhandarkavathekar, Nandita Dhuri, Shrirang Mahajan, Pushkar Lonarkar and Vanmala Kinikar. The storyline of this film revolves around the life of Dnyanesh, played by Shrirang Mahajan and Mukti, played by Sayali Bhandarkavathekar. Dnyanesh and Mukti are siblings and are living with their grandmother and mother. They live in a town named Pandharpur in Maharashtra. Dnyanesh, wants to support his mother financially, after his dad passed away and wants to open a shop but his mom rejects the idea and tells him to focus on studies. Because of bad financial condition, Dnyanesh’s mother sells his bicycle ‘Elizabeth’ on the eve of Ashadhi. The bicycle was a gift given to Dnyanesh from his father. Let’s see how Dnyanesh, with the help of his friends, is able to get back his bicycle or not.
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