Earth, directed by Deepa Mehta the movie is based upon Bapsi Sidhwa's novel, Cracking India which was originally published as Ice Candy Man. The movie was released in 1998 and is set during the India - Pakistan partition. The movie is narrated by Lenny’s adult self (Shabana Azmi). Lenny was a young girl from Lahore who had polio, her Parsi family was quite wealthy and decided to stay neutral during the partition. Lenny’s Aya, caretaker, was a beautiful lady named Shanta (Nandita Das). Both Dil Navaz, the Ice-Candy Man (Aamir Khan), and Hassan, the Masseur (Rahul Khanna) pined over her but were both Muslims. The movie revolves around the friend circle and how the partition affected them and divided the group.
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