Eagoler Chokh is a crime thriller, Indian Benagli film directed by Arindam Sil. The film is a second installment of Goenda Shabor film series after Ebar Shabor. The film is based on a story written by Shrishendu Mukhopadhyay. The film was nominated for many awards and Anirban Bhattacharya won Filmfare Award for Best Supporting Actor. The cast involves Saswata Chatterjee as Shabor Dasgupta, Payel Sarkar as Nandini Sen, Subhrajit Dutta as Nanda, Joya Ahsan as Shivangi Roy, Arunima Ghosh as Rita Fernandez, Anirban Bhattacharya as Bishan Roy, and Gaurav Chakraborty as sub-inspector Sanjib Das. As the film is a crime thriller ACP Shabor Dasgupta and his assistant Nanda are searching for a young woman murderer. The suspects are a rich entrepreneur Bishan Roy and three women connected to him. Each of them knew the women connected to him. The film is exposed to mystery and human psychology and complexities.
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