Co-written and directed by Shital Shah, Duniyadari is a 2017 Gujarati drama film. The film stars Malhar Thakar, Esha Kansara in the lead role while there are others like Aarjav Trivedi, Kishan Gadhvi, Mamta Chauhan, Tarika Tripathi, Shaunak Vyas, Parikshit Tamalia and Rajar Thakar in supporting role. The storyline of this film is based on the life of college students in the period of 1970s. Meet Mehta, played by Malhar Thakar is a son of a wealthy businessman who is sent to Gujarat University for college studies by his mother. Meet Mehta is polite while he meets Dharmesh, played by Aarjav Trivedi who is famously known as DSP in college and how they become friends. The film is based on love, friendship, relationship and college life in the 1970s. This film is a remake of Marathi film Duniyadari.
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