An adaptation of Frank Herbert's eponymous classic, Dune narrates the tale of Paul Atreides, who must follow his father's footsteps into becoming the next Duke of House Atreides from the planet Caladan. After the Emporer entrusts House Atreides with the control of the trade of the most expensive resource in the galaxy called, spice, Paul must travel to the most unforgiving planet in the galaxy, Arrakis. House Atreides soon finds themselves caught between the wrath of a jealous Emperor and the opportunistic and ruthless Harkonnen family. The ensemble cast includes Timothee Chalamet, who rose to stardom with Call Me By Your Name, Oscar-winner Javier Bardem, Rebecca Ferguson, Oscar Isaac, Josh Brolin, Jason Momoa, and Charlotte Rampling. Denis Villeneuve has directed the film, while Hans Zimmer has composed the music.
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