Dil Toh Pagal Hai was Directed by Yash Chopra and was released on 31 October 1997. The movie revolves around the love triangle of Rahul (Shahrukh Khan), Nisha (Karisma Kapoor) and Pooja (Madhuri Dixit). Rahul and Nisha were a part of a dance group which did musical plays. Nisha was in love with Rahul but he did not know about that. Rahul wanted to do a play called ‘Maya’ which was about a girl who was a romanticist. Nisha who was the main lead of this play ended up getting hurt which is how Rahul met Pooja and recruited her. The girl was an orphan being raised by her family friends. Pooja was proposed by Ajay (Akshay Kumar), her childhood best friend as well as her guardian's son. Pooja ends up falling for Rahul who reciprocates her feelings but sadly learns about her engagement with Ajay which devastates the man. Due to this heartbreak Rahul changes the happy ending to a sad one. Ajay ended up playing the recording where Pooja told him how she felt about Rahul. Rahul and Pooja ended up confessing onstage, making the audience applaud them. Meanwhile, Ajay shows some interest in Nisha.
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