This is a Tamil crime thriller film directed by Innasi Pandiyan and starring Arulnithi Tamilarasu. The film tells the story of a police sub-inspector named Varadhan Annadurai played by Arulnithi who is assigned to investigate a series of mysterious accidents that have taken place at the 13th hairpin bend on the Mettupalayam-Ooty road.As Varadhan begins his investigation, he soon discovers that the accidents are not just accidents, but part of a larger conspiracy. He also learns that there is a diary that contains the secrets to the conspiracy, but the diary is in the possession of a group of dangerous criminals.Varadhan sets out to find the diary and bring the criminals to justice. Along the way, he must face many challenges, including the criminals themselves, his own superiors, and the supernatural forces that seem to be protecting the diary.In the end, Varadhan is able to find the diary and expose the conspiracy. He also brings the criminals to justice, but not before he makes some personal sacrifices. Diary Full Movie Watch Online.
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