In his feature film debut, Martyn Nirmal Kumar writes and directs the fantasy comedy Deiva Machan in the Indian Tamil language. In the film, Neha Jha, Bala Saravanan, Aadukalam Naren, and Vemal, Pandiarajan, and Anitha Sampath play supporting roles. Godwin J. Kodan wrote the soundtrack for the movie, while Ajesh wrote the background music.The plot revolves around Karthi, who thinks that getting his sister married is the only thing he wants out of life, and is based on the director's short film Boodham. The film, which is set in Ayyapalayam, Dindigul, centers on Karthi, who has a dream visit from a man named Saattaikkaran, who gives her the name of a person who is about to pass away. Karthi is able to locate a partner for her sister's marriage, even though all of his sister's marriage proposals fall through. However, when Saattaikkaran in Karthi's dream reveals the identity of the prospective husband, things become more problematic.
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