Directed by Adrian Lyne, Deep Water is an American psychological thriller based on the 1957 novel of the same name by author Patricia Highsmith. Set on a screenplay by Zach Helm and Sam Levinson, the plot revolves around a couple who find themselves to have fallen out of love with each other. In a bid to save their marriage, the husband allows her wife to have and engage in extramarital affairs. However, when her lovers start disappearing, he becomes the lead suspect in this twisted amd convoluted mind game. Ben Affleck and Ana de Armas lead the picture, with Tracy Letts, Rachel Blanchard, Lil Rel Howery, Dash Mihok, Finn Wittrock, Kristen Connolly, and Jacob Elordi in the supporting parts. The film marks director Adrian Lyne's return to filmmaking following his last 2002 feature film, Unfaithful.
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