Darling, is a 2015 Tamil horror comedy, directed by Sam Anton. The movie revolves around four friends who decide to commit suicide. Kathir, Nisha and Kumaran plan to commit suicide and leave for a nearby resort where they meet Athisaya Raj who tags along. Kathir and Nisha fall for eachother but every time he tries to tell her she gets possessed. All the boys tried their best to get rid of the ghost but they couldn’t. In the end Kathir talks to the ghost and learns that her name was Shruthi. She and her husband Shiva were killed by four men who also raped her.Meanwhile, Nisha realises that she was possessed and cuts her wrist. Kathir tries to rush her to the hospital but is stopped by the four men who raped Shruthi. Unable to fight, Kathir's body gets possessed by Shruthi’s dead husband Shiva who fights off the thugs. The two leave the body of Kathir and Nisha.
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