Company, directed by Ram Gopal Verma is a thriller film released in 2002. The movie revolves around gangs in Mumbai underworld. Chandrakant 'Chandu' Nagre (Vivek Oberoi) joins the Mumbai underworld and soon gains the favour of Malik (Ajay Devgn) who was the leader of his gang. The two became close and started killing off their opposition. Chandu, with Malik’s permission, killed off Inspector Rathod who abused and assaulted Chandu. Chandu and Malik had an argument about contract killings which caused a rift between the two. This rift became wider and wider, it ended up causing the two to break apart. They started a chase trying to kill each other. In Kenya, Malik hires a hitman to kill Chandu. Sreenivasan (Mohanlal) persuades Chandu to come to Mumbai. Chandu and Malik form a truce but Koda Singh kills Malik in Hong Kong.
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