CIA Comrade in America Is a Malayalam-language adventure film directed by Amal Neerad and starring Dulquer Salmaan and Karthika Muralidharan in the lead roles. The film also stars Siddique, Suresh Gopi, and Soubin Shahir in supporting roles. The story revolves around Aji, a strong communist from Kerala who illegally enters the United States to prevent his girlfriend Sarah's arranged marriage. Aji embarks on a dangerous journey via Latin America to the Mexican border with a group of emigrants. They endure several difficulties, including difficult terrain, hunger, and thirst. They are also continuously on the verge of getting arrested by the authorities. Sarah receives a letter from her parents one day. They inform her that they have arranged for her to marry another man. Sarah is depressed and powerless, but she has no choice but to accept whatever her parents decide.
When Aji learns of Sarah's marriage, he is distraught. Aji and the other emigrants eventually make it to the US border, but they are detained and arrested by authorities. Aji gets sent back to India. Aji is a broken man when he returns to Kerala. He has lost his love, but he is still inspired by a group of young communists who are working to aid poor people in need. He decides to join them and begin fighting for his beliefs.
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