Directed and co-written by Rahul Bhole, Chor Bani Thangaat Kare is a Gujarati drama film released in the year 2017. The film stars Amit Mistry, Bijal Joshi, Manan Desai, Prem Gadhavi, Ojas Rawal, Prashant Barot and others. The storyline of this film revolves around the life of Rajkumar aka Robin played by Amit Mistry. His father, played by Prashant Barot disowns him in childhood because of his bad habit of stealing everything. He comes to Ahmedabad city after that. He discovers that he has Kleptomania and this suffering can only be gone after he falls in love. It can only be cured by one true love. He finds a girl named Khushbu, played by Bijal Joshi and falls in love with her. Because of his bad habit of stealing, Khushbu breaks up with him. So he decides to be a good man and return everything to everyone. But he gets stuck in a bigger problem. The film is full of comedy and drama.
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