Directed by Sanjay Surkar and produced by Smita Talwalkar, Chaukat Raja is a 1991 Marathi language film starring Dilip Prabhavalkar, Sulabha Deshpande, Dilip Kulkarni & Smita Talwalkar. The plot takes you on a spin with its storyline and characterization. Ranjan and Madhavi are a married couple, with their daughter, move to the metropolis Mumbai. A mentally ill man, Nandu, in his 30s crosses paths with the couple. Madhavi empathizes with Nandu, because somehow she gets to know that he is her childhood friend. She takes a step forward and takes Nandu with her to take care of him. The plot explores the struggles and stigmas attached to a mentally challenged person and how it affects everyone around them suffers because of it.
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