Chandni, directed by Yash Chopra in 1989 is a drama film that revolves around a girl named Chandani Mathur and her life. Rohit meets Chandani at his sister's wedding and falls head over heels for her. His family doesn’t approve of it because of the family status differences. Rohit rents a helicopter showers Chandni with red rose petals as she stands on the terrace but disappears. She learns that he is in the ICU and runs off to see him. Rohit’s whole right side is paralysed and he can’t move. Rohit breaks off with Chandani saying he won’t be able to be a good husband to her. Later Chandani moves to Mumbai and starts working for a travel agency where she meets Lalit Khanna who falls for her. Chandani agrees to marry Lalit and the two go to Switzerland. Lalit meets Rohit and the two become friends. Rohit later meets Chandani and is in shock that her and Lalit were getting married. Lalit realises later on that Chandani and Rohit are madly in love he lets Chandani go and Rohit and Chandani get married and live happily ever after.
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