Chalo is a Telugu family-comedy film written and directed by Venky Kudumula. Hari is always poking his nose in fights and disputes just for the sake of excitement. One day he is sent to a village known as Tiruppuram where people are divided into two factions - one group consisting of Telugu speakers, headed by Keshava, and another of Tamil speakers, headed by Veera Muththu. An ongoing ancestral rivalry keeps the two factions from joining and becoming one. Hari’s interest in fights naturally pushes him to interfere in the village dispute. Matters become more complicated when he falls in love with the daughter of one of the faction heads. He must now find a means to join both groups. The film stars Naga Shaurya, Rashmika Mandanna, Achyuth Kumar, Mime Gopi, V.K. Naresh, Pragathi, Harsha Chemudu, Satya and Raghu Babu in prominent roles.
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