Carlito’s Way is a 1993 American crime drama film, directed by Brian De Palma. Set in the 1970’s , the film follows the story of Carlito Brigante. Carlito has served around 5 years in jail and walks out. He has decided not to indulge in anything controversial and unlawful. However, a drug deal happening, made by Carlito’s cousin, makes him go for it. The deal ends in a shootout and Carlito escapes with some money. He opens a nightclub and is often requested by Benny, to make him a partner, to which Carlito denies. Carlito reignites his love with Gail. As the story goes on, Carlito is dragged back into crime with the police, mafia and Benny on his tail. Carlito manages to fend off the mafia and the police, only to meet his demise with the hands of Benny. He gives a handsome amount of money to Gail, his pregnant girlfriend, to start a new life.
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