Captain America: Civil War is a 2016 American superhero action film directed by Anthony & Joe Russo. The film follows the story of Avengers, almost after a year, since defeating Ultron. They are stopping Rumlow, former Hydra agent, in stealing a weapon. However, Rumlow succeeds in killing innocents and causing mayhem. Avengers face the heat, as some believe they must be accountable and should be controlled. U.S. secretary, Thaddeus, wants them to sign, The Sokovia Accords. As the story follows, Captain America finds the whereabouts of Bucky and wants to meet him. The accords divide the avengers in two groups. Soon Bucky becomes rogue and causes panic and chaos, which is all a part of the plan for General Zemo. Towards the end, Tony Stark and Captain America track Bucky to an isolated Siberian facility, where Stark learns of Bucky’s crimes and the death of Stark’s parents. Stark and Captain battle, in which Captain America wins the bout, but loses the honor of the shield.
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