Call Me by Your Name is a 2017 romantic drama film, directed by Luca Guadagnino. The film follows the story of Elio, a 17 year old boy and Oliver, a 24 year old man. Oliver is a guest and has arrived in Italy to study archaeology from Elio’s father. Elio and Oliver are opposite in nature as the prior is a bit introverted and the former is a bit extrovert and carefree. Elio and Oliver have their psychological tactics to play with each other mentally. They’re drawn to each other. They kiss soon and spend quality time with each other. However, Oliver has to leave soon and this becomes a problem. Elio is depressed that Oliver will leave. In the end Oliver has left and calls Elio on the phone. Elio addresses Oliver by his name & Oliver addresses Elio by his. Elio cries by the fireplace feeling the pain of heart.
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