Directed and written by Tejas Prabha Vijay Deoskar, Bucket List is a Marathi comedy drama film released in 2018. The film stars Madhuri Dixit, Sumedh Mudgalkar, Sumeet Raghavan, Vandana Gupte, Renuka Shahane and Ritika Shrotri. The storyline of this film revolves around the life of Madhura Sane, played by Madhuri Dixit. Madhura is a perfect housewife who gives her time to her family from sunrise to sunset. As the story continues, we get to know that Madhura received a heart transplant. The donor for the heart transplant was a 20 year old girl named Sai. Soon, she discovers that Sai had a bucket list which she wanted to complete before she turns 21 but she passed away before that. Madhura decides to complete Sai’s bucket list and on her journey to complete the list, she unknowingly explores herself and finds her true self. The film was the debut of Madhuri Dixit in Marathi cinema.
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