The light-hearted family drama revolves around a father and son who must overcome various obstacles that come their way ranging from love, family, rivalry, and relationships. The main plot features the Kattadi and Maliekkal clans who wish to form a long-term association and wish to transform their years-long friendship into something more steadfast, with the marriage of their children. Eesho, and Anna (who are the future generations of the Kattadi and Maliekkal clans respectively) live in Bangalore and away from their villages, in a more urban setup.
In some time, Anna becomes pregnant and John (Eesho’s father) coincidentally calls his son to reveal some news to him. When Eesho arrives home, he hears his parents are pregnant as well. This awkward scenario heightens when Eesho decides to work a way around to revealing his own pregnancy status to his father.
While Mohanlal takes centre stage as John Kattadi, the ‘cool’ patriarch, Prithviraj Sukumaran plays Eesho John Kattadi, his son. Kalyani Priyadarshan plays Eesho’s live-in partner Anna.
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