Bey Yaar is a 2015 Gujarati film directed by Abhishek Jain and produced by Nayan Jain. The stars of this film Pratik Gandhi, Divyang Thakkar, Manoj Joshi, Darshan Jariwala, Amit Mistry and Samvedna Suwalka have made this film full of comedy and drama. The storyline of this film revolves around two childhood friends Tapan “Tino” played by Pratik Gandhi and Chintan “Chako” played by Divyang Thakkar. Both of the friends want to invest in a real estate project but get stuck because of their Godman who promised to triple their profit. The film depicts how one can lose their pride and dignity if they keep their moral values at stake. The New York Indian film festival screened their first ever Gujarati movie, Bey Yaar in their festival. The film won total 9 awards at the 14th Annual Transmedia Gujarati Screen & Stage Awards, including the award for the Best Film.
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