Before Sunset, directed by Richard Linklater is a romance drama which was released in 2004. The movie revolves around Jesse (Ethan Hawke) and Céline Julie Delpy. The two meet after ages during Jesse’s interview for his best selling novel called "This Time" which was completely based on his time with Céline in Vienna. The two after his interview go to a cafe for coffee and to catch up. We learn the Céline couldn’t make it to Vienna after six months as her grandmother passed away whereas Jesse at first lied that he couldn’t make it but actually did. The two started catching up and talking like they did during their time in Vienna. Jesse had a plane in an hour to travel back. The two had changed considerably over time as now Jesse was married with a son named Hank and Céline was now an environmentalist with a photojournalist boyfriend. The two walked around Paris talking about the things they were not satisfied with about their lives. The two slowly started falling for eachother again. The two arrive at Céline’s apartment and Céline asks him "Baby... you are gonna miss that plane" which was like Simone from his novel to which he replied with a smile "I know.”
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