Directed by Gauravv K. Chawla and released in 2018, Baazar is an amazing crime thriller starring Radhika Apte & Saif Ali Khan. The movie revolves around Rizwan Ahmed who is a small-time stock trader from Allahabad. It is his dream to work for his idol Shakun Kothari who is a Gujarati financial maven. Rizwan works his way up the stock ladder and gets high-profile clients with the help of his co-worker and girlfriend Priya Rai. At an event Rizwan meets Kothari who gives some stock advice which comes out to be beneficial. Kothari then hires him as his broker and Rizwan illegally uses insider information to make money for Kothari. Rizwan becomes closer to Kothari’s family and Kothari gives Rizwan money to buy Skycom and becomes its company's owner. Kothari ends up screwing Rizwan over and sells off all of his Skycom shares. He tells the police everything and helps them arrest Kothari.
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