Avatar, directed by James Cameron was released on December 10, 2009 by 20 Century Fox. It revolves around Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), a paraplegic former Marine who enrolls into the Avatar Program. Humans go to Pandora, a densely forested habitable moon to mine unobtanium. The atmosphere is poisonous to humans and is inhabited by the Na'vi, a species who worship a goddess named Eywa. Humans used genetically engineered Avatars which are like Na’vi hybrids. In the forest Jake meets Neytiri (Zoe Saldana), a female Na’vi. The two slowly fall in love and choose each other as mates. The humans attack the Na’vi and a war breaks loose. Jake ended up bonding his mind with Toruk, a dragon-like predator feared and honored by the Na'vi. Jake ends up destroying a makeshift bomber before it can reach the Tree of Souls. Quaritch wears an AMP suit and prepares to slit Jake's avatar’s throat but Neytiri kills Quaritch. After the war Jake permanently transfers his consciousness into his avatar with the help of the Tree of Souls.
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