Directed and written by Pavel Bhattacharjee, Asur is a Benagli thriller film released in the year 2020. The film stars Nusrat Jahan, Abir Chatterjee and Jeet Madnani in lead roles. This film basically represents the story of 3 people taking revenge from each other. Kigan, performed by Jeet Madnani who is thrown out of his job of being an art professor because of being an alcoholic & drinking in class. He is happy because now he is his own master and can do whatever he wants. Aditi and Bodhi are husband & wife and friends with Kigan. The film is also about the love-hate relationship between this trio and how they take revenge from each other. So the question at the end of the film is who is the real Asur (villain). This thriller film is definitely worth watching because of all the twists and turns. The acting by all the 3 lead actors is amazing and they’ve nailed their roles.
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