Arrival is a 2016 science fiction film directed by Denis Villeneuve. Arrival revolves around a linguist, Louise Banks whose daughter Hannah who died of illness at a young age. She is called by the U.S Army to study the language/symbols of these aliens. It is her and the physicist Ian Donnelly’s task to study the craft above Montana. Banks helps these advanced beings learn basic phrases in English. The message by the aliens spelled out ‘offer weapons’ which China took as ‘use weapons’ and the attack on the spaceships starts. Banks realized that weapons meant tools and they meant tools to help and were offering their language as a gift. Banks end up convincing the Chinese to let down their twelfth piece of the message and the other countries follow letting the twelve craft depart. Donnelly tells her how much he loves her but Hannah knows this world will happen and that they will have a daughter who will die from an incurable disease and that Donnelly will leave them after she tells them that she knew this.
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