Argo is a historical drama thriller from 2012 , directed by Ben Affleck. The movie revolves around Tony Mendez, a U.S. CIA exfiltration specialist who is assigned to rescue the six U.S embassy staff who are stuck in Iran and are sheltered by the Canadian ambassador Ken Taylor. Tony comes up with a plan to disguise himself as a Canadian filmmaker and use it as a ruse to rescue the six individuals. With the help of a film producer, Lester Siegel they set up a phone film production company, Argo. Tony enters Iran with a fake alias, Kevin Harkins and meets with the six escapees. The plan is to give them fake passports and fly them back to the US. The mission was cancelled as to avoid conflicts with a planned military rescue of the hostages but Tony forces his boss to go through. The group gets into the plane saving their lives by a second as the Revolutionary Guards at the airport get to learn about the whole plan. The plane takes off before they could catch them. Tony is awarded the Intelligence Star. But since the mission was classified, he receives the medal in secret and has to return. The award is given back to him after the Canadian Caper is declassified in 1997.
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