Directed by Maju and produced by Josekutty Madathil and Ranjith Manambarakkat under the banners of Tiny Hands Productions and Sunny Wayne Productions. The film stars Sunny Wayne as Appan, a paralysed man, alongside an ensemble cast including Alencier Ley Lopez, Pauly Valsan, and K. P. A. C. Lalitha.Appan is a Malayalam film about a cruel and narcissistic man named Ittychan. Ittychan has been bedridden for years, but he continues to torment his wife and son. Ittychan is a womanizer and a bully, and his family desperately awaits his death.To make matters worse, Ittychan brings his neighbor and prostitute, Sheela, to live with him and take care of him. Sheela is initially reluctant, but she soon warms up to the family. Ittychan, however, continues to manipulate and abuse his family.The villagers, who have had enough of Ittychan's abuse, form a mob and demand that he be killed. Ittychan's wife and son are faced with a difficult choice: do they allow their father to be killed, or do they save him and risk further abuse?Appan is a powerful and disturbing film that explores the themes of abuse, family, and revenge.
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