Directed by Satyajit Ray, Ganashatru is a Bengali drama film released in the year 1989. This movie is an adaptation of a play “Enemy of the people” by Henrik Ibsen in 1882. The film stars Soumitra Chatterjee, Ruma Guha Thakurta, Mamata Shankar, Dhritiman Chatterjee and several others. The storyline of this film represents what happens to Dr. Ashok Gupta when he tries to save people from something which is dangerous for them. Dr. Ashok Gupta, played by Soumitra Chatterjee is a loyal and an honest doctor. He tries to save the life of people living in his village Chandipur from polluted water but because of some people he becomes the Enemy of the People. He faces many challenges but sticks to the path of honesty and helping people and at the end he gets justice. At the end, everyone cheers him up by shouting, “Long Live Dr. Ashok Gupta!”.
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