Amar Akbar Anthony, directed by Manmohan Desai, released in 1977 starring Amitabh Bachchan. The movie is a comedy drama action movie which revolves around three long lost brothers; Amar Khanna, Akbar Ilhabadi and Anthony Gonsalves where Amar is a police inspector, Akbar is a qawwali singer and Anthony is a licensed liquor dealer. The boys are separated when their father Kishanlal leaves the boys to divert Robert’s attention from them to save them. On the other hand, in a failed suicide attempt their mother, Bharati looses her eyesight. The boys end up meeting to donate blood which surprisingly was for their birth mother. The boys learn that they in reality are siblings and join forces to get Robert arrested which they did. Kishanlal also gets arrested for his past crimes but is happy to see his family together as one again.
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