Attam is a Malayalam thriller drama revolving around a theatre group with a sole female actress. After a successful performance, the entire troupe gathers for a party during which a member of the group commits an act of crime against the only female present. To get to the bottom of the case, the members call for a meeting where the call for transparency brings into the open stories, suspicions and chaos. The film follows the group's desperate and emotionally turbulent attempt to reach a consensus amidst many faces of hypocrisy.
Attam is Anand Ekarshi's directorial debut. The film was written by him, and features an eclectic cast comprising of Vinay Forrt, Zarin Shihab, Kalabhavan Shajohn, Sudheer Babu, Nandini Gopalakrishnan, Atty Kurien, Sanosh Muralidharan, Sijin Sijeesh, Aji Thiruvamkulam and Nandhan Unni.
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