Aamir, directed by Raj Kumar Gupta was released on 6 June 2008 starring Gajraj Rao and Rajeev Khandelwal. Aamir is a thriller movie which revolves around Dr. Aamir Ali returning to Mumbai on vacation. An unknown person hands him a phone and this is where things get a bit tricky, his family is kidnapped and he gets a set of instructions to follow. This all leads Amir to a house where he is given a red briefcase. At first he thought that it was a bomb but he opened it to find bundles of cash. From there he is asked to catch a specific bus at a given time. On the way to catch the bus his briefcase gets stolen. Aamir gets the briefcase back after a fight and boards his bus. He then realises that the briefcases were switched and this one has a bomb inside it. Aamir instead of running away announces that he has a bomb and asks people to run and clear the area. The bomb explodes, killing him and the terrorist’s plan is soiled.
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