Aakrosh, directed by Govind Nihalani is a satire on corruption starring Amrish Puri, Om Puri & Naseeruddin Shah. The movie was released in 1980 and revolves around a true incident published on page 7 of a local newspaper. The movie revolves around the corrupt judicial system and how the underprivileged are taken advantage by the privileged. The victims here are seen oppressed and abused. It is. The story of a farmer, Lahanya Bhiku who is oppressed by his landowners and his wife, Nagi Bhiku who was raped by them. They got Lahanya arrested and Nagi committed suicide after that. He is taken to his wife’s funeral in shackles where he sees the foreman looking at his sister with lustful eyes. He ends up chopping the head of his sister not wanting this fate to repeat. Looking up at the sky he screams and screams in anger and pain.
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