Directed by Prakash Kunte, & Jara Hatke is a 2016 Marathi language drama starring Spruha Joshi, Mrinal Kulkarni, Sonali Khare & Madhura. The plot wanders where most filmmakers avoid going. With the story, the director has destigmatized the untouched territory of getting into relationships after divorce. Meera, who is divorced and Akash, widowed, are college friends who serendipitously meet each other after years. Both develop liking for each other and consult their children about their decision to get married. Nishant, Aakash's son & Aastha, Meera's daughter meet along with their parents. Aastha is skeptical about Aakash taking her father's place. Things get super awkward between all of them when Aastha and Aakash fall in love with each other.
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