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Exclusive! Rupam Islam turns 50: Be good, bad and ugly. Be a human being, not a mannequin

Considered to be a youth icon for many, the rockstar turns 50 on January 25. Before he goes to celebrate the evening with fan-fam and friends, Rupam talks to OTTplay. 

Exclusive! Rupam Islam turns 50: Be good, bad and ugly. Be a human being, not a mannequin
Rupam Islam/ Photo: Facebook

Last Updated: 02.37 PM, Jan 25, 2024


It has been almost three decades since Rupam Islam started his magical career in Bangla rock music. Clad in all black, when he walks up to the stage even today, the fans go crazy. Rupam owns an enviable share of fandom in the Bangla rock universe. Considered to be a youth icon for many, the rockstar turns 50 on January 25. Before the frontman of Fossils goes to celebrate the evening with fan-fam and friends, Rupam talks to OTTplay. 

If he had to pick one song to dedicate himself on his 50th birthday, what would that be, we asked. Rupam chooses Satyajit Ray’s iconic antiestablishment number, Nohi Jontro – the song that calls out the oppressive Heerak Raja who unleashed a reign of terror from his pulpit. “This is the song that inspired me to perceive music differently, not as mere entertainment, but as a weapon, as a tool of communication. It tells your message to society loud and clear,” the musician tells us.   

Rupam Islam/ Photo: Facebook
Rupam Islam/ Photo: Facebook

By his admission, Rupam still does not consider himself a celebrity and this is what he celebrates the most in his long years of glorious career. “I still don’t consider myself as a celebrity. I am a hard-working cultural activist,” he says. 

As he enjoys a large number of committed and dedicated fans, Rupam embraces their love. “⁠I consider such sentiment of the people as a blessing,” he said. Is there any regret, we asked. “Regret is— how hard I may try, I haven’t been able to please all. Still, I would not stop trying. I cherish this attitude of mine— my adamant nature, and my trust in people. I still know, someday I will be loved by all,” he says. 

On a final note, here is a word of wisdom from Rupam. “⁠Be as good as possible, as bad as possible, and as ugly as possible. Be a human being, not a mannequin. In short — continue to be who you are,” he signs off. 

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