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Mohanagar review: Bangladeshi star Mosharraf Karim's web series is refreshing and gripping

Mohanagar is something you will want to go back and watch to search for clues.

Jun 26, 2021
Mohanagar review: Bangladeshi star Mosharraf Karim's web series is refreshing and gripping

A still from Mohanagar.

Mohanagar Season 2

What's it about:

A crime (hit-and-run) takes place in Mohanagar (The Capital City). An influential politician's son caused the 'accident' and is under the constant scrutiny of the police. While all shreds of evidence suggest he is guilty, there is something bigger at play.

What's hot:

Mohanagar is an interesting and refreshing concept. It is not your usual cat-and-mouse chase story. Here, a senior cop is helping out the criminal.

Bangladeshi superstar Mosharraf Karim, in the role of OC (Officer-in-charge) Harun Ur Rashid, easily manipulates people. He plays the game from all sides, becoming an interesting antagonist as the show progresses. Interestingly, this antagonist soon turns into a lead protagonist but you never see it coming.

That brings me to my next point. The twists in Mohanagar are unpredictable. They make you think, wonder and could possibly start a discussion. They also keep you hooked to the series till the end.

Right from another 'regular' criminal to the assistant commissioner, played by Zakia Bari Mamo, every character keeps you hooked in some or the other way. Mostafizur's character, especially, brings humour to the otherwise intense show. At one point, you would actually feel for him, despite his appearances and rowdy behaviour.

Sub-inspector Moloy Kumar, played by Mostafizur Noor Imran, is also notable in his role, even though it doesn't have much to offer.

The fact that an assistant commissioner (AC) takes charge better than the OC himself, is astonishing. She can get over-the-top at times but gives a powerful performance overall.

Mohanagar also brings to light how people in power constantly suppress those below them. In Mohanagar's case, it is the police force. Knowing that they have the power vested in their hands, they harass a couple, which makes the woman look down in shame and be in an uncomfortable situation.

Not just that, in another scene, a politician (a CM candidate) shuns his daughter who suggests that a lawyer needs to be sent to the police station rather than a right-hand man. "I will decide who is the best person to be sent," the potential CM was heard saying while shutting down his own daughter. This is something that is prevalent in many countries even today, even for those with money and power.

What's not:

Abir (Khairul Basar), who has been wrongly framed in the hit-and-run case, loses track of his expressions in a crucial scene but it can be forgiven since it is a high moment for him.

Shamol Mawla, who plays Aashfaque, has such an intense look that he doesn't need to act. Unfortunately, when he does try to act, that doesn't really work in his favour since he doesn't have anything new to offer either with his facial expressions or body language.

Mohanagar can also drag on for a few minutes in the seventh episode but that can also be overlooked considering the series keeps you at the edge-of-your-seat overall.


Mohanagar is definitely something you will want to go back and watch time and again. Since the series deals with a lot of things, it is possible that when you revisit it, you find things that you didn’t notice before.


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